
Going Out of Town Secure Your Home

Going out of town, secure your home for your return

Going out of town on vacation. Ensuring the security and safety of your home while away is paramount. Whether you’re leaving for a weekend camping trip or an extended vacation, taking proactive measures to protect your property and belongings is essential. 

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll delve into various strategies and precautions to safeguard your home while you’re away. From securing your premises to managing utilities and addressing potential emergencies, each aspect is meticulously explored to provide you with peace of mind during your absence.

Inform Trusted Neighbors

Before embarking on your outdoor adventure, it is prudent to inform trusted neighbors of your absence. Not only does this foster a sense of community vigilance, but it also allows them to keep an eye on your property. Trusted neighbors can report any suspicious activities or unexpected incidents, providing an additional layer of security.

Home Security System

Investing in a reliable home security system is paramount for safeguarding your property. Modern security systems offer many features, including motion sensors, surveillance cameras, and remote monitoring capabilities. There are security company monitoring or self-monitoring and recording; these systems act as a deterrent to potential intruders and provide real-time alerts to your smartphone, enabling swift action in case of any security breaches.

Doorbell and outdoor camera
Outdoor Cameras

Alarm Codes

Setting unique and secure alarm codes for your home security system is imperative. Avoid using easily guessable codes like birthdays or sequential numbers. Opt for complex combinations that are easy to remember but difficult to decipher, and refrain from sharing them with anyone outside your trusted circle. Set a separate code for the people you authorize to enter your home while you are away. Remove or suspend that code upon your return.

Contacting Your Alarm Company

Before your departure, you must notify your alarm company of your absence. Provide them with your travel dates and emergency contact information to ensure seamless communication in case of system malfunctions or security breaches. Also, provide them with the name of the person or persons authorized to enter your home.

Inspect Your Yard

Before leaving, it is essential to thoroughly inspect your yard. Ensure that all access points, such as gates and fences, are secure and in good condition. Trim overgrown shrubs and bushes to eliminate potential hiding spots for intruders. Make sure all outbuildings are locked and secure.

Outdoor Security

In addition to your home security system, consider installing outdoor lighting to illuminate dark areas around your property. Motion-activated lights are particularly effective in deterring intruders by exposing their presence.

going out of town motion lights
Motion Activated Lights


Upgrade your door and window locks to high-security variants for enhanced protection. Deadbolts and reinforced strike plates can significantly fortify your home’s entry points against forced entry attempts. If your windows don’t have secondary locks, place Dowling in the sliding tracks of the window. If you have a garage, put a padlock through the track so the door cannot be raised.

Mail and Newspaper

A buildup of mail and newspapers is a sure sign of an unattended home, attracting unwanted attention from potential burglars. Arrange for a neighbor or a mail-holding service to collect your mail and newspapers while you’re away.

Indoor Lights

Simulating occupancy is crucial to creating the illusion that someone is home. Invest in programmable timers or smart bulbs to automate your indoor lighting system. Randomize the lighting schedule to mimic natural usage patterns and deter suspicious activity.

programable timer
Programmable Timers

Watering Your Houseplants/Garden Plants

Remember to arrange to have someone water your houseplants or garden plants during your absence. Enlist the help of a neighbor or family or invest in automatic irrigation systems to ensure your plants remain healthy.

Clearing the Fridge

Dispose of perishable items in your fridge to prevent them from spoiling during your absence. Clean out any leftovers or expired items to maintain a fresh and odor-free environment.

Checking the Pantry

Similarly, check your pantry for perishable goods that may rot or attract pests during your absence. Seal opened packages and store dry goods in airtight containers to deter pests and maintain food quality.

Washer and Dryer

Unplug your washer and dryer to prevent potential electrical hazards or malfunctioning while you’re away. Additionally, check for any water leaks or bulges in the hoses and shut off the water to avoid possible flooding incidents.

Water Heater

Turn down the temperature of your water heater to conserve energy while you’re away. This not only reduces utility costs but also minimizes the risk of accidental scalding or overheating in your absence. Also, shut the main water off to the hot water tank so that if it starts to leak or break, the amount of water that could cause damage will be limited to the size of the tank.

Closing Blinds or Curtains

Closing blinds or curtains adds an extra layer of privacy and prevents prying eyes from peering into your home. It also helps regulate indoor temperatures and protects your belongings from sun damage.

Protecting Valuables

Safeguard your valuables by storing them in a secure location or investing in a waterproof and fireproof home safe. Jewelry, important documents, and electronic devices should be kept out of sight to minimize the risk of theft.

Unplugging Appliances

Unplug non-essential appliances and electronic devices to prevent phantom energy consumption and reduce the risk of an electrical fire. This includes TVs, computers, chargers, and kitchen appliances that won’t be used during your absence. Coffee makers are a major cause of home fires.

Social Media

Exercise caution when sharing your travel plans on social media platforms. Broadcasting your absence on social media can attract unwanted attention from potential burglars. Save the vacation photos and updates for after your return to maintain the security of your home.


Maintain your landscaping to avoid giving the impression of an unattended property. Mow the lawn, trim hedges, and remove any dead plants or debris to uphold the appearance of a well-cared-for home. Have somebody mow your lawn if you plan to be gone for longer than 2 weeks.


If your pets are not going with you, arrange for proper care and accommodation for them while you’re away. Whether you hire a pet sitter, board them at a kennel, or entrust them to a trusted friend or family member, ensure they receive the attention and care they need in your absence.


Adjust your thermostat to conserve energy while you’re away. Setting it to a slightly lower temperature in winter or a higher temperature in summer can help reduce utility costs without compromising comfort.

Emergency Contacts

Make a list of emergency contacts, including local authorities, neighbors, and family members. Keep it where it is readily accessible. Having these contacts readily available can facilitate prompt assistance and minimize potential damage in an emergency.

Checking Insurance Coverage

Review your home insurance policy to ensure adequate coverage for potential risks, including theft, vandalism, water, and natural disasters. Consider adding additional coverage or riders as needed to protect your assets and belongings.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Test all your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors before leaving to ensure they are functioning correctly. Replace batteries if necessary and address any maintenance issues promptly to safeguard against fire and gas-related hazards.

Final Walkthrough

Before departing, conduct a final walkthrough of your home to double-check all security measures and preparations. Ensure all the doors and windows are locked, appliances are unplugged, and utilities are appropriately adjusted. This thorough inspection provides peace of mind and ensures a smooth transition into your absence.

Conclusion: Safeguarding Your Sanctuary

In conclusion, protecting your home while away requires meticulous planning and proactive measures. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, from securing your premises to managing utilities and addressing potential emergencies, you can enjoy your time away with confidence and peace of mind. Remember, a well-prepared home is a secure sanctuary, ensuring you return to a safe and welcoming home.

FAQ Section

Q: Can I trust my neighbors to keep an eye on my home?

A: Absolutely! Building a rapport with your neighbors fosters a sense of community watch, enhancing overall security in the neighborhood.

Q: Do I need a home security system if I live in a safe area?

A: While living in a safe area reduces the likelihood of security threats, a home security system provides an extra layer of protection and peace of mind, regardless of your location.

Q: How can I ensure my pets are well cared for while I’m away?

A: Prioritize your pets’ well-being by arranging their care well in advance. Whether you hire a professional pet sitter or board them at a reputable kennel, ensure they receive the attention and care they need in your absence.

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